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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

15-Year-Old Porn Star's Case Leaves Many Questions Unanswered

Charrida Smalley A/K/A "Bieyanka Moore"

15-year-old runaway, Charrida Smalley, going by the stage name, Bieyanka (a take on singer Beyonce’s name) ended up in a very graphic and explicit pornographic film entitled, "C*m Fiesta" shot by Miami company, RK Netmedia. Using a fake ID, she had sex on camera with 24-year-old bisexual male Chris Commando, real name, Fernando Marrero.

Charrida Smalley A/K/A "Bieyanka Moore"

According to her mother Sherrita Smalley, the underage girl has a tattoo of small stars on her neck, like singer Rihanna, who coincidentally has been behaving like a porn star in her unoriginal music videos and debauched, x-rated concert performances.

Charrida Smalley A/K/A "Bieyanka Moore"

Charrida's mother, Sherrita Smalley, found out about the movie and recognized "Bieyanka" as her missing underage daughter, who had run away from home, but was now performing in a pornographic film under the aforementioned fake name.

24-year-old Cris Commando (Fernando Marrero), a bisexual porn star, who is said to have appeared in many films, engaging in intercourse with men and women, had sex with 15-year-old Charrida Smalley in the 2010 movie "C*m Fiesta" in criminal violation of the law

Sherrita Smalley contacted the FBI, who is reportedly investigating the case. Considering the scores of laws broken in this case, let’s see if the FBI will fail like they often do, especially where money is concerned or do the right thing for a change and arrest all involved in this horrific exploitation of a minor.

Beyonce, performing one of her softcore porn dance routines in a see through, barely there dress

RK Netmedia quickly took the video down from the internet, but they deserve to spend a significant stretch of time in federal prison, as it appears they orchestrated the entire episode to insidiously exploit a minor. Smalley's mother has sued RK Netmedia for, "Sexual battery, statutory rape and child pornography." The FBI needs to get off their duffs and bring a far reaching criminal case, to send a clear message, as I have read of a similar case involving another minor.

Rihanna grabbing her crotch in concert in front of kids and adults alike in her greedy quest for money and fame

This story is more proof of what mainstream singers such as Beyonce, Rihanna and Britney Spears, are teaching young girls - how to grow up too fast and prostitute themselves, under the guise of being cool and trendy. What a terrible example to set. You should be ashamed of yourselves. " Take a bow" (sarcasm).


Teen porn star Bieyanka Moore's disaster

Bieyanka Moore, Reality Kings' 15-Year-Old Porn Star?

Porn star Bieyanka Moore is 15 year-old runaway Charrida Smalley


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