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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Obama's Poll Numbers Implode Into Disaster

Reelection Not Looking Likely

Barack Obama

U.S. President Barack Obama is having a hard time in the polls. Numbers in every area of polling indicate, the American people are fed up with the debt ceiling debacle and the economy in general. There has been no recovery in the U.S. economy, only massive spending that is drying up and revealing all the cracks and flaws the government tried to camouflage.

But wait, Obama isn't the only one on the hot seat. The U.S. Congress saw its poll numbers drop to an all time low, with approval rating sitting at an uncomfortable 6 percent and it is deserved. They have passed ludicrous spending bills and can't, excuse me, won't even agree on a plan for the debt ceiling, by taking the best parts of both political parties' proposals and merging them into one bill, for the good of the nation.

President Obama and members of Congress debating the debt ceiling

U.S. House Speaker and Republican, John Boehner, has accused Obama of caring more about reelection, than resolving the debt ceiling crisis that is gripping the nation. The clock is ticking and in less than a week, if no decision is reached, America will default on its debts. According to the Los Angeles Times, Obama's own Democrats are abandoning him on this issue, as they have been pushed to the point of anger.


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