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Friday, July 29, 2011

Rupert Murdoch And Company Are Trying To Rule The World

Think They Are God

Rupert Murdoch

Rupert Murdoch, a corporate CEO, not elected to office anywhere in this world, has been revealed to be a complete criminal, attempting to run world governments as he sees fit. Here is this man, who no one voted for at any time, who has been controlling the British government through "bullying" and "blackmail" as admitted by the Labour Party in London and basically bought enough U.S. Congress members with donations they refuse to give back, to push through his agenda for America. Who is he to do that.

In Australia, politicians have spoken out regarding the unsavory and abusive tactics Murdoch has used to control and manipulate them into doing his bidding. He uses his newspapers to force elections being called whenever he feels like and creates career breaking scandals on politicians that will not bow to his agenda. Murdoch should not have been allowed to meddle in international politics, as he is an elitist, racist snob, whose greed for money knows no bounds.

Rupert Murdoch and third wife Wendi Murdoch

Through credible published reports from a variety of press outlets, the world has discovered, Murdoch has a network of private investigators and hackers, ensconced in his companies around the world, that engage in illegal wiretapping and hacking, also known as phone hacking (among other things). Murdoch and company also bribe police officers in different countries for privileged information and the GPS location of people they wish to spy on, known as "pinging." The latter was revealed through the mainstream press, in the British leg of the phone hacking scandal.

The contents of the illegal surveillance is then printed in Murdoch's News International newspapers and broadcasted on his networks Fox, Fox News and Sky, for profit, all under the umbrella of his company News Corp. Murdoch is not the only CEO that is doing this, but more on that later.

Rupert Murdoch is a member of the Bilderberg Group, a secretive organization dedicated to dictating world finance for their profit, at the public's expense. The photo posted above is the Bilderberg Hotel, where the Bilderberg Group's first meeting took place. For more on the Bilderberg Group visit www.bilderbergmeetings.org/index.php and www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bilderberg_Group

Murdoch and others like him in the Bilderberg Group, are behaving like a shadow global government trying to rule the world and the public resents it. They have tried to institute a new world order, via controlling politicians in different countries, through coercive tactics, as painfully seen with Murdoch. It is my literal prayer that if the damaging conduct does not desist, God will expose each and every member engaging in criminal activity, as Murdoch has and bring about circumstances that brings them to justice and the group to a screeching halt.

U.S. Federal Reserve Chief, Ben Bernake, headed to the 2010 Bilderberg Group meeting

They think they are God and are to know and see all, hence the perverse phone hacking and GPS tracking. At the end of day, the aforementioned people are not God and it is not a good idea trying to be Him, because He will cut you down through trials and circumstances that will break you. You need to stop this invasive and abusive madness against innocent people, before it completely destroys you.


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