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Thursday, September 8, 2011

Madonna Slams Lady Gaga For Crazy Conduct She Encouraged

Madonna Set Gaga Up For A Fall

Lady Gaga, Marc Jacobs and Madonna

New York born singer, Lady GaGa, real name Stefani Germanotta, became famous for emulating artists David Bowie and Grace Jones and using the image of a deceased singer she used to work with named Lina Morgana (Lady Gaga Stole Dead Singer's Image And Persona).

Once the public began paying attention to Gaga, Madonna sought her out, via sending messages to her minders, among other things, as she wanted her to join Kabbalah, her notorious faux religious group, which is actually a sick, mentally ill cult, under criminal investigation by the IRS and now the FBI (Confirmed: Kabbalah Is Under Criminal Investigation).

Lady Gaga before Madonna

When the younger singer gave in to Madonna bombarding her with messages and publicly pursuing her at industry events like a groupie, some ending very embarrassingly (Marc Jacobs Slams Madonna), in conduct that made many in the entertainment industry cringe, she got drawn into Kabbalah, which changed Gaga for the worse. It deteriorated her mental health.

Lady Gaga after Madonna. Can you see the crazy on this chick now (rhetorical). Girlfriend went loco in Kabbalah.

Madonna decided she was to be Gaga's new mentor and the newbie her protégé, in a bid at riding the new artist's coattails for publicity. Let's face it, Gaga and Justin Bieber were the most popular artists in 2010, dominating pop culture headlines, garnering massive amounts of publicity, while Madonna has been largely ignored with four flopped albums in a row.

Madonna then tried to make her over to look and be like her, replete with other crazy publicity stunts and antics, in a bid to keep her faded name and music alive by association, to Lady Gaga's young and impressionable audience. However, as newspaper articles have attested, younger audiences don't know who Madonna is, as she is before their time.

More of the crazy

Many in entertainment know of her aforementioned crazy conduct, as they witnessed Madonna's pursuit of Gaga, before and behind the scenes and laughed and gossiped about it in industry circles in Hollywood, Miami and London, which got around. Madonna encouraged the image change and asked Gaga to mimic "Express Yourself" on "Born This Way."

Now the madwoman is going around telling everyone Gaga is copying her. Madonna really flatters herself in claiming this, when she orchestrated it out of jealousy and greed. In trying to change Lady Gaga to become more like her, egomaniac Madonna damaged the new singer's career and sales. As a result, Gaga's "Born This Way" has not done as well as its predecessor and websites are slamming her as crazy, weird and aloof. The noticeable reinvention irked audiences this year, who started labeling Gaga insane and out of touch.

Neurotic Madonna looking crazy as usual. She is blowing kisses like she is throwing daggers. They need to sedate that witch to calm her craziness down.

This week, Madonna insanely stated, while promoting her critically panned "We" movie, "As for Lady Gaga, I have no comment to make about her obsessions having to do with me because I don't know whether her behavior is rooted in something deep and meaningful, or superficial."

Madonna has just exposed herself again, as a complete and utter lunatic. Under no circumstances is it acceptable or normal to become obsessed with someone and it can never be considered "deep and meaningful." To state that is sick. It is unhealthy and unnatural. It is indicative of mental illness, as various psychologists and psychiatrists have attested in published journals and articles.

Mutton dressed like lamb

However, Madonna has a long, detailed history of becoming perversely obsessed with people, in behavior that morphed into stalking, harassment and attempts at damaging other individuals, which is clearly defined, textbook mental illness of a severe order.

According to a book and published articles, Madonna stalked and harassed Carmen Electra when she dated, then married her ex-boyfriend, Dennis Rodman. Madonna would pay hotel staff to tell her what room the couple was in and to give her a room right next to theirs. That's sick.

Even the lady behind her is laughing at the odd out

I was told one of Madonna's former secretaries became creeped out and left the job, when she came into work with a new hairstyle and fashion look and the following day, Madonna did another "reinvention" and started sporting the exact same hairstyle and fashion look. Once again, not normal.

Madonna stalked and pestered Courtney Love when she became popular in the 1990s with the whole grunge scene, then did one of her creepy reinventions to look like her, hiring away the new singer's makeup artist, hairstylist and stylist. Her "Ray of Light" look and sound was stolen from Courtney Love, who she also pestered to join Kabbalah. Love hasn't been the same since.

Too much plastic surgery = Muppet face

Madonna stalked, harassed and terrorized a Miami family named the DeCastros, having their phones illegally wiretapped, because she became obsessed with the husband and deemed the wife and kids got in the way. She terrorized the family so much, through commissioned criminal conduct, it forced the family to flee their home, under a string of terrible human rights abuses. The family reported the crimes to the Miami U.S. attorney (Department of Justice), who they state, took a bribe and looked the other way to the criminal conduct.

And of course, there's what she did to me and my family (click here) which qualifies as hate crimes and violations of the Civil Rights Act, under federal statutes. However, as stated previously, a well connected individual in the international community, in the know regarding the case and other matters, responsible for many of my site exclusives that later proved 100% true, informed me the head of the FBI that I sent the complaint to, Robert S. Mueller, took a bribe in my case from Madonna, in exchange for looking the other way to the crimes.

Not a pretty picture of Madonna, Hollywood or the justice system and millions know about it in America and around the world. Madonna consistently makes the justice system look bad to the nation and the world, in ways that will never be repaired.


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