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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The News Corp/News International Phone Hacking Scandal Broke Up Families In More Ways Than One

Sienna Miller

The News International/News Corp phone hacking scandal broke up families in more ways than one. There's the obvious byproduct of the hacking and wiretapping of celebrities, politicians and business rivals, for scoops to publish in Rupert Murdoch's News International/News Corp newspapers - people's secrets get out, via illegal means, especially stories of adulterous affairs. This ended in divorce for many families.

However, there is another damaging aspect. Targets of News International/News Corp's surveillance, began turning on and fighting with family members, close friends and once trusted business associates, for selling them out to the press, when private stories only they would know, appeared in print in graphic detail.

Elle Macpherson

American born British actress, Sienna Miller and Australian model, Elle Macpherson, are but two celebrities that fell victim to phone hacking destroying their relationships with people in this manner. Miller fell out with her family, believing they had betrayed her to the press, by selling stories about her private life. Macpherson fired her business manager, Mary Ellen Field, who made her millions, simultaneously destroying the woman's hard earned career in the industry, as someone who could not be trusted.

But in actuality, it was greedy, corrupt News International/News Corp behind the madness, in their vile quest for power and money at all costs, publishing the contents of people's private phone calls, emails, texts and computer documents that were criminally hacked for profit, as stories in the newspapers and on television (Sky in Britain and Fox in America).

Rupert Murdoch and wife Wendi Murdoch

The price of this invasiveness has been people's relationships and reputations. People turned on their own families and lifelong friends, believing the worst about them, that simply was not true. You can't play with people's lives like that. Many people went through heartbreaking scenarios and mental distress, due to Murdoch and company and they ought to pay a price for it - prison - because there is nothing legal or humane about what they did.


Miller: I thought a loved one was betraying me‎

Phone taps 'drove me to turn on loved ones'

Sienna Miller: I accused my own mother of leaking stories to News of the World

Miller blamed family for hack leaks

Australian link to phone hacking scandal

Rupert Murdoch bribed Elle Macpherson to keep phone hacking ...


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