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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Obama Administration Mum On How Many Jobs They Can Create For $420 Billion In Taxpayer Money

Will It Be Another Fiasco Like Solyndra

Barack Obama

For the past 2 and ½ years, the Judiciary Report, has consistently warned the government need not waste taxpayer money on frivolous stimulus initiatives and must guarantee a maximum number of jobs are created, if they are going to use said funds. Well, they did not listen and hundreds of billions of dollars in taxpayer money has been wasted - flushed down the toilet on frivolous misadventures, misappropriation and flat out theft and embezzlement.

Again, President Obama is back with the same speech, stating Congress must pass his latest jobs bill, but with the track record of failure under the administration’s belt in these endeavors, I’m not holding my breath anything significant will come of this. There's too much room for error and waste.

President Obama at Solyndra

Case in point, as mentioned previously, the Judiciary Report warned against Obama’s solar initiatives that later went on to fail, as the president’s pet project, Solyndra, which he sat in on meetings for, filed for bankruptcy two weeks ago, after only creating 585 jobs for $535 million dollars in taxpayer money. Other examples of egregious waste exist in Obama’s budget over the past couple years, but are being buried from the mainstream press.

Some hard questions need to be asked and publicly so, such as, how many jobs will the Obama Administration create if Congress passes its latest $447 billion dollar stimulus jobs bill, as given their history of failure in this regard, the taxpayers can't afford anymore costly mistakes. The economy has slipped away from the administration.

Side Bar: Why did Obama order the FBI to raid Solyndra last week, essentially to save face after they filed for bankruptcy, when he was very involved in the company, even attending corporate meetings. President Obama had to have known what was going on, as did the FBI/DOJ and DOE. They knew the inefficient and extravagant company was DOA, but kept supporting them with taxpayer money anyway.


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