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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Obama's Broken Priorities Damaging The Economy

Barack Obama

President Obama has irresponsibly absolved himself of all responsibility in the financial crisis that he has greatly worsened, opting to meddle in the Middle East, rather than focusing on more pressing matters at home - the U.S. economy and the mass suffering transpiring in America as a result of it. His Muslim roots led him to do so, forsaking all else, such as the economy, in what is a dereliction of duty.

I was told on good authority by one of my sources responsible for some of my exclusives that President Obama orchestrated the war in Libya but asked Europe to initiate the bombing, to make it appear he only has a supporting role. An overwhelming majority of Americans want no part in the war in Libya and want the nation's resources pulled from the bloody venture that has killed innocent civilians.

President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama

To show how hypocritical the war in Libya is, President Obama has given millions in funding to a group of rebels that admit they are Al Qaeda. If an American citizen had done such a thing they would have been arrested, charged with treason and "providing material support to terrorists." Just tell the truth, as some in Congress have, you invaded Libya for oil and to undemocratically install who you want in office, not the people.

America is swimming in national debt, due to the deficit, which President Obama has greatly added to, more than any other president in U.S. history, yet he has started another war that is costing the nation billions it can't afford. This conduct is highly irresponsible, illogical and not to mention, illegal, as he had no mandate to invade Libya, bomb and kill two of the head of state's children and two of his underage grandchildren.

President Obama, First Lady Michelle Obama and their daughters Malia (left) and Sasha (right)

And anyone who can stand up and say it was right and appropriate to bomb civilians, in deeds that resulted in the deaths of underage children, you are the devil incarnate and you should hope something so horrific does not befall you and yours one day, in the name of battle, for applauding such an abhorrent thing.

Most people do not agree with Gadhafi's politics, I certainly don't, but this was not the way to go about it. You have killed his family members, civilians that did not engage you in any manner. The President is always speaking affectionately of his daughters, yet amazingly show absolutely no mercy to another man's children of the same age that perished in a horrific blaze of bombs, all in the name of an illegal war.


Obama Ordered Bombing Kills Gadhafi’s Son, Underage Grandchildren & Destroys School For Disabled Kids