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Friday, July 22, 2011

Australian Prime Minister Slams Rupert Murdoch And News Corp

Murdoch Reproved By His Nation's PM

Julia Gillard

The Prime Minister of Australia, Julia Gillard, has slammed native son, Rupert Murdoch, over the horrible hacking scandal his company is embroiled in worldwide. The Murdochs' testimony in the British Parliament this week, left a number of questions unanswered and many skeptics.

Gillard stated, "When people have seen telephones hacked into, when people have seen individuals grieving have to deal with all of this, then I do think that causes them to ask some questions here in our country, some questions about News Ltd here. Obviously News Ltd has got a responsibility to answer those questions when they're asked. I'm not going to engage in running commentary on testimony but I do believe Australians... are looking at News Limited here and are wanting to see News Limited answer some hard questions."

Disgraced CEO Rupert Murdoch

Of course, now Murdoch will lie about and smear Gillard in his papers, online and on television, with estimates placing his share of the newspaper market in Australia at 73 percent. That's virtually a monopoly, with a side order of antitrust issues. Someone should look into that as well, as you have an individual, Murdoch, trying to slant and control what the public reads on a grand scale.

Rupert's lawbreaking son, Lachlan Murdoch, is also doing his level best to muscle his way into full control of the prominent Australian broadcaster, Network 10, pushing out the former CEO under mysterious circumstances. Rupert's daughter, Elisabeth Murdoch, started her own production company, Shine, which resorted to wholesale criminal copyright infringement, to push out television shows on various networks. This family is controlling too much of the media and resorting to criminal tactics to accomplish their goal, much to the ire of the public.

Rupert Murdoch and his equally corrupt daughter Elisabeth Murdoch (center)

Reports out of Australia indicate, the government has opened a criminal investigation into Murdoch's serious misconduct, which is being slammed all over the world. There are separate investigations of Murdoch and company, in Britain and America, for the same illegal wiretapping and hacking, known as phone hacking, which saw him publishing unlawfully obtained surveillance items, in News Corp newspapers, on websites and television.

This severe and criminal breach of privacy, has angered the public, with the case coming to a head, when people recently found out, the aforementioned misconduct was also utilized against innocent missing kids that were later found dead. It marked a new low in journalism, leading the public to vociferously protest the Murdochs and News Corp on two continents.

Rupert Mudoch and sons Lachlan and James

This breed of contemptible, depraved journalism was first seen at the National Enquirer, who employed Mafioso turned Hollywood private investigator, Anthony Pellicano, to dig up scoops for stories to print in the tabloid. Pellicano's solution - illegally hack and wiretap people, then publish the contents of the illegal surveillance.

Pellicano did the same for a number of Hollywood stars seeking to spy on rivals. Madonna and Tom Cruise employed him on a regular basis, to secretly break the law on their behalf, by providing them with thoroughly invasive information on chosen targets. The information included, wiretap phone call transcripts and audio recordings, computer contents gained through hacking, surveillance photos, among other things. Pellicano was also hired by people within News Corp to do the same. The disgraced private eye is now in prison, but his methods live on through others in his field.


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