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Friday, July 15, 2011

Delusional Rupert Murdoch Thinks The Public Adores Him

Crowd protesting outside Murdoch's New York home calling him a racist

Delusional mogul, Rupert Murdoch, is under the misguided impression the public loves him and the illegal phone hacking and wiretapping scandal he is currently mired in, is simply an inconsequential formality and side effect of ruthlessly doing business in a modern world (in a dirty manner, might I add).

This week, the three main political parties in Britain united to crush his bid for more media control in the United Kingdom, denouncing him to the watching world. People also gathered outside his home in New York, protesting his criminal conduct in the aforementioned scandal and lack of ethics in race matters.

Yet Murdoch, experiencing some sort of disconnect, believes everything is fine and his company's credibility is intact. Murdoch stated yesterday in his newspaper, the Wall Street Journal, "We think it's important to absolutely establish our integrity in the eyes of the public...I felt that it's best just to be as transparent as possible."

What planet are you living on that you are so oblivious to the obvious. Members of the public are calling for your imprisonment and demanding your media companies vacate their shores. That's not a compliment.

I am in agreement with members of the public slamming your use of race to slur, exploit and divide people. I've seen you do it firsthand and I think you are a full-fledged racist, whose mindset is stranded in colonial times.

Rupert Murdoch

You've invaded my privacy for financial gain, with members of your staff lifting items from my private emails, text messages and protected, preexisting copyrights, for financial gain. You are one of the greediest, most wicked, unscrupulous businesspeople on the planet.

I've seen items from my private emails and text, sent by me, to my email box as "Poor Man's Copyrights" to provide quick time stamps in the event of theft (before my Library of Congress copyrights are filed) brazenly end up in your papers as scoops and exclusives.

My private email and text time stamps, compared against later verbatim copying by your company's newspapers, such as the Sun, News of the World, the New York Post and Wall Street Journal, testifies to the criminal misconduct on your part.

I've seen items from my preexisting Library of Congress copyrights, end up at your companies Fox (copyright infringing songs and videos by "American Idol" artists), 20th Century Fox ("My Super Ex-Girlfriend" and "I Am Number Four" to name a few) and at your daughter Elisabeth Murdoch's production company Shine (her rip-off BBC show "Demons").

Rupert Murdoch and family

You are an arrogant, racist, despicable family of thieves, whose greed knows no limits. You want everything, but do not want to work for it. Not content with the significant amount you already have, you want what belongs to everyone else as well and will stoop to any low to get it.

And to top it all off, as if the stealing and exploitation were not enough, you had the gall to defame me in 2005 (willful malice), after I went to the Met Police reporting your crimes against me (formal complaint), which led to arrests of your employees, in conduct you've since publicly admitted is true (Rupert Murdoch Finally Admits His Company's Phone Hacking And Wiretapping Crimes).

Am I supposed to be happy with all this deplorable, insidious conduct from you and yours. You consistently do foul things to people and then expect them to applaud and praise you for it. Like the public is supposed to appreciate the abuse.

Note to the Murdochs: The sun, pardon the pun, does not shine out of your backsides. When you do vile, vicious things to people, don't be surprise when they publicly bring you down for it. Legally speaking, this is far from over.


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