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Thursday, July 14, 2011

The FBI To Investigate Rupert Murdoch's News Corp

FBI Director Mueller

On orders from the U.S. Congress, the FBI is opening an investigation, into Rupert Murdoch's News Corp, in the wake of allegations and arrests in Britain, for illegal hacking and wiretapping of over 9,000 phone lines. Ironically, the FBI has been aware of News Corp's criminal misconduct from 2005, but elected to launch a cover up, as Murdoch is a billionaire deemed "too big to fail."

As such, the FBI has allowed a terrible crime spree, orchestrated by Murdoch and carried out by questionable private investigators and members of News Corp, to go unchallenged in America. Last week, an American police officer, went public with allegations that Murdoch tried to bribe him into getting the details of the phone calls and messages of September 11th terrorist attack victims, which is despicable. Murdoch did the same in Britain to 7/7 terrorist victims and separately, missing children, who were murdered.

However, Murdoch's News Corp, which is the parent company of Fox (American Idol), Fox News, the Wall Street Journal and the New York Post, to name a few, has unlawfully spied on many people in America, via illegal wiretapping and hacking, then criminally disseminated the contents on television and in print as scoops and exclusives.

As a Metropolitan Police officer told me in October 2005, when I first filed a formal complaint reporting Murdoch's companies, for criminally hacking and illegally wiretapping me, in conjunction with Madonna, thus unintentionally breaking the story first, "Don't hold your breath regarding the FBI" further stating they are not good on such cases and significant sums of money is usual a factor in their decision making. Since that time, I have found it to be true.

Where the Metropolitan Police made its first arrests, regarding Murdoch's staff, six months after I filed my complaint on October 17, 2005, the FBI did exactly what the Met said they would - nothing - which allowed serious criminal misconduct to mushroom.

Since 2005, I have found the FBI to be the most corrupt and treacherous law enforcement agency in existence that takes bribes. As stated before, my best source of site exclusives that have been proven true time after time, informed me that Robert S. Mueller took a massive bribe from Madonna, to sweep this sick case, that also involves Murdoch, under the rug.

Murdoch has even admitted wrongdoing in 2011, proving my 2005 allegations true and correct (Rupert Murdoch Finally Admits His Company's Phone Hacking And Wiretapping Crimes). But the FBI has a serious corruption problem and at the expense of the public's health. For more on that see the "Patents" section of the article The FBI Corruptly Granted "Sovereign Immunity" In The Aisha v. FBI Case. But mark my words, they will legally answer to the world for it and in the near future. What they did is beyond evil.


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