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Thursday, July 7, 2011

Is It Fair For Obama To Solicit $1 Billion Dollars In Campaign Donations From The Public During A Terrible Financial Crisis

Barack Obama

In view of the horrible financial crisis America is currently mired in, is it fair for President Barack Obama, to ask the public to help him meet his goal of raising an unprecedented $1 billion dollars in campaign donations, for his 2012 reelection bid. This move lacks the sensitivity, consideration, austerity and economic prudence, a president should have under the circumstances.

Americans have lost their jobs, homes and life savings. Many are suffering during the current financial depression, in trying to make ends meet and put food on the table. In light of these facts, should President Obama really be soliciting such enormous campaign donations, during a financial crisis he helped to make much worse than it was in 2008, when he was elected.


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