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Wednesday, July 6, 2011

New Poll Finds A Majority Of Americans Do Not Believe Obama Will Be Reelected

Barack Obama

A new poll conducted by the Mayside Research Institute (MRI) has found a majority of Americans do not believe U.S. President Barack Obama will be reelected in 2012. As anyone in Washington should be able to deduce, the horrible state of the U.S. economy is currently the biggest factor. Obama has spent enormous sums of money, more than any other President in U.S. history and to no results. Correction, to negative results.

If Obama had heeded even the most basic advice, such as what was provided by the Judiciary Report in 2008 and the first quarter of 2009, regarding utilizing prudence and thrift, among other things, the economy would have been back on track by the first quarter of year two of his presidency (2010). Instead he spent a fortune - ironically $666 billion on the stimulus (that number is quite fitting and ironic considering the end result, because the devil is in the details).

You can't spend money like that. It was too much. It's just bad business sense and now America is further behind, than in 2008 when Obama assumed office. As the first black president, I wanted so much more for his presidency, but Obama has disappointed me and many others, by letting Washington change him into a poster boy for special interests, lobbyists and rich campaign donors, whose agenda is not for the greater good of society, but their own pockets. When you lose your roots, you risk losing everything.


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MRI Poll: Majority Believe Obama Will Fail In Re-Election Bid

Published on July 04, 2011 - Most say "It's time for another person to take over the Top Job." A new Mayside Research (MRI) Poll finds that 62% of U.S. registered voters think it's time for another person to be America's President (*). Only 38% of likely voters feel that Barack Obama should be re-elected. According to MRI, females are much less likely than males to support Obama's re-election (24% vs 76%). MRI's results indicate that almost three-quarters of African Americans would support replacing Obama (74%) with someone else for the Top Job...

Only 48% of those panellists who declared that they are members of or registered with the Democratic Party, and or planned to vote for a democratic candidate, indicated that they supported Obama's re-election. 52% of those Democrats polled want a change. Unsurprisingly, nearly 100% of the Republican panellists are seeking and would support someone else...
