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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Obama Administration Admits Financial Hardships In America To Last A Long Time

But It Doesn't Have To Be That Way

Barack Obama

Timothy Geithner, the Treasury Secretary of U.S. President, Barack Obama, admitted in a candid interview last week that the financial hardships besetting America, shall last for a long time. Wrong answer! The people don't want to hear that and the sad thing is, the economy could be repaired, but the Democrats and Republicans refuse to agree on a financially sensible plan.

At the beginning of his presidency, bankers representing Americas top banks, went to the White House to meet with Obama and basically blew smoke up his butt. They talked up their dubious plans and walked away with truckloads of U.S. taxpayer money, only to hoard it, which does not benefit the nation.

Timothy Geithner

President Obama and his team, due to naiveté, inexperience and lobbyists, had such poor oversight, this massive swindling of the American people's tax money, was able to transpire without impedance or accountability on any real level, which is regrettable. Some of the stimulus money also illegally stimulated off shore bank accounts.

It is the Judiciary Report's belief, a line needs to be drawn in the sand with banks and other financial institutions, formally notifying them, if they are not going to productively use the stimulus money in the U.S. economy, they must return the funds or face criminal charges. Taxes also need to be raised on the rich, to help combat the sky high deficit, with some of the funds used to create new jobs, but in a sensible manner (Obama Calls For Job Summit).


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Geithner says hard times to continue for many

WASHINGTON (AP) — Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner (GYT'-nur) says many Americans will face hard times for a long time to come. He says President Barack Obama rescued the United States from a second Great Depression and will keep working to strengthen the economy. But Geithner says will be some time before many people feel like the country is recovering.

Geithner tells NBC's "Meet the Press" that it's a very tough economy. He says that for a lot of people "it's going to feel very hard, harder than anything they've experienced in their lifetime now, for a long time to come."
