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Thursday, July 21, 2011

Republicans Develop Economic Plan And Await Response From Obama

"Video: Speaker Boehner: Time for the No-Budget Senate to Act on Cut, Cap & Balance"

Prominent Republican senator, John Boehner, took to the podium today, to announce the Republican party has developed a financial plan for America, but await a response from U.S. President, Barack Obama, regarding the course of action he intends to take. The clock is winding down to the August default deadline, in the debt ceiling debacle Congress is currently presiding over.

Barack Obama

The regrettable fact regarding the congressional fighting, excuse me, debates, is neither side has been able to take the better ideas from each party and merge them into one proper solution. Overall, the Republican party has the better, more prudent economic plan save for the no taxes clause, which, frankly, is a problem.

John Boehner

The Democrats' financial plan has too much spending, but its true redeeming factor is the tax increase on the rich, which would make a big difference (provided the money isn't squandered by too much spending again). Really, is it that hard to compromise with each other. Even the government had to admit this week that the talks have become unusual and strangely stalled, in comparison to past negotiations. Something is wrong.


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