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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Rupert Murdoch Illegally Accessed The Medical Records Of The Prime Minister's Sick Child

Former British Prime Minister Gordon Brown and family

Yesterday, former British Prime Minister, Gordon Brown is not only accusing Rupert Murdoch's News of the World of hacking, wiretapping and illegally accessing his banking information, he is also leveling allegations at two of the company's other newspapers, The Sunday Times and The Sun (UK).

Gordon Brown and wife Sarah Brown

Brown stated this week, former News of the World and Sun (UK) editor, Rebekah Brooks of News International, illegally accessed his sick baby's medical records, then menacingly called him at 10 Downing Street, to say she knew his son was ill with cystic fibrosis and would be printing excerpts from the criminally obtained files, in an exclusive story to millions of newspaper readers. That is despicable. It confirms what the Judiciary Report stated three months ago, regarding News International (News Corp) accessing children's medical records, in a story the site broke first (Mr. Murdoch, Your Viagra Prescription Is Ready)

Rebekah Brooks

To threaten and intimidate a sitting Prime Minister is a serious crime. She is either extremely arrogant from bribing police officers or just plain psychotic (or both). Brown did not press charges. However, that could not have been me. Before she hung up the phone I would have had the police at her door firing off a list of charges and informing her why she would be placed under the prison.

Rupert Murdoch, who is behaving like a thug, has been accused of blackmail British prime ministers

Pop singer, George Michael, who was arrested for using marijuana while driving, also accused Brooks of inviting herself to his home in London and during a tense conversation, informing him that the company she works for, News International (News Corp), bribes the police for information (and to get away with crime).

Rupert Murdoch's son James Murdoch has played a very active part in the lawbreaking

One officer involved in the scandal, is said to have made $160,000 per year, illegally giving News International scoops, protected police information and blocking cases against them. The press expects several officers to be arrested in connection with the case.

Two of Murdoch's private investigators, Glenn Mulcaire (top) and Jonathan Rees (bottom) are no strangers to breaking the law. The latter was charged with murdering another gay man using an axe.

As many of you who read the site regularly may recall, The Sun (UK) is the primary newspaper, along with parent company News Group Newspapers (News International), that I made a formal complaint against in October 2005, with the Metropolitan Police in London, for illegal hacking and wiretapping, among other things, in conjunction with Madonna (thus throwing them under the proverbial bus and breaking the story first). Murdoch admitted guilt years later.

Victoria Newton and Madonna

Madonna's pal, Victoria Newton, is one of the worst snoops in the scandal, who wrote for the Sun UK for years. She worked under Brooks (nee Wade), a key figure in the criminal misconduct, directing the invasive crimes on Murdoch's orders. Newton knows where a lot of the proverbial bodies are buried.

The Sun's Bizarre column has broken a number of stories and illegally so

The phone and internet are an integral part of modern life. However, News Corp, among others, have people scared to use their mobile phones and their email boxes, for fear their sensitive and personal information, from medical records to business data, will be illegally accessed and printed in one of Murdoch's papers or broadcast on Sky in Britain or Fox News in America, without permission. No one should be able to hold the public hostage in this manner. It's just plain sick.


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Brown accuses two more Murdoch titles

Tuesday, 12 July 2011 - ...Illegal attempts were made by a "blagger" apparently working for The Sunday Times to access Mr Brown's account from the Abbey National bank in 2000. In a letter to The Sunday Times' editor John Witherow, Abbey National's senior lawyer wrote: "On the basis of facts and inquiries, I am drawn to the conclusion that someone from The Sunday Times or acting on its behalf has masqueraded as Mr Brown for the purpose of obtaining information from Abbey National by deception."

Separately a tape obtained by the BBC showed a "blagger" identified as Barry Beardall seeking, also in 2000, to trick Mr Brown's solicitors Allen & Overy into handing over details of the amount he paid for a flat in Westminster owned by one of Robert Maxwell's companies. A story claiming that Mr Brown had underpaid for the flat by up to £30,000 was the subject of a story in the paper.

In another case, in October 2006, Rebekah Brooks, then editor of The Sun, contacted the Browns, informing them that she had obtained medical details about their four-year-old son Fraser. The Sun subsequently published a story stating that Fraser had cystic fibrosis.

Friends of the Browns said Ms Brooks' call caused them considerable distress, as they were seeking to come to terms with the diagnosis, which had not been confirmed. Police are thought to have evidence that the News of the World's private investigator Glenn Mulcaire had targeted Mr Brown and his wife, Sarah. In a statement, the Browns said: "We are shocked by the scale of law-breaking and intrusion into our private lives."...
