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Friday, August 19, 2011

Boycott Madonna's Rip-Off "We" Movie

"We" (more like wee-wee)

The release date for Madonna's rip-off "We" movie has been pushed back, because it is stupendously bad, received negative reviews and the majority of film studios in existence passed on the pic, on the film festival circuit. However, she made a dirty deal, selling stolen copyrights she does not own, at cut rate prices, in exchange for a theatre release date later this year.

Crazy Mad-onna

Madonna is also pushing for the butchered, infringing film to be considered for an Oscar. In the event that does happen, the Judiciary Report shall call for a boycott of the Academy Awards telecast, for rewarding criminal copyright infringement. The Judiciary Report is also calling for a full boycott of the infringing film "We" by the entertainment industry's resident Madoff, Madonna. For more on Madonna's well-detailed history of stealing copyrights from others, as the basis for her sick career, click here. What's curious is Madonna put out a number of article stating the British royal family aided her in making this infringing film.

Guy Ritchie

Due to Madonna's ex-husband, Guy Ritchie, another copyright infringer that has been sued by several unrelated people for stealing every single movie he has ever made, is related to Prince William's wife, Kate Middleton (Ritchie said six times removed - really now LOL).

Prince William and Kate Middleton

This granted Madonna access to the royal family. Considering Madonna's well-publicized legal history of corporate theft and fraud, her Kabbalah cult's run-ins with the law (criminal investigations against them), they should know better, more than most, but they've tossed in their lot with her in this endeavor (and others).


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