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Friday, August 26, 2011

Malawi Judge Runs Madonna Out Of Court And Citizens Demand Their Land Back From Her

Judge Dismisses Madonna's Crooked Legal Maneuver Against Defrauded Malawians

Vile troublemaker Mad-onna

Judge Jack Nriva, of the nation of Malawi, has dismissed a lawsuit by pop tart Madonna, who sued to get the African court to declare, she did not have to pay the salaries of employees of her fraudulent charity, Raising Malawi. Madonna cheated them out of promised pay for their labor. How dirty. Some of them quit higher paying jobs to work for the crazy singer's charity.

However, she used her employees suffering, impoverished nation's name in the international community, to evoke sympathy and raise tens of millions of dollars that never made it to their shores, having been stolen by Madonna and her Kabbalah buddies, who lavishly spent the money on themselves, buying luxury cars, property and vacations, with the pilfered charity money.

Malawi is one of the poorest countries in the world, struggling with poverty and malnutrition. For Madonna to have gone all over the world soliciting millions on behalf of starving Africans, then stolen the money with her sick cult, Kabbalah, makes her one of the most despicable people on the planet. She is truly evil.

Madonna is always disrespecting and abusing black people, as she clearly thinks we are slaves. She is an absolute disgrace. The woman never did an honest day's work in her life, but is going around engaging in modern day slavery against blacks. How repugnant.

In other news, after the deranged madwoman Madonna bulldozed an entire African village full of homes, for her so-called girls school she did not intend to go through with, then abandoned after groundbreaking and stealing many millions in charity money, hiding some of it in the Cayman Islands, villagers are demanding their land back from the insane reprobate.

She did not even pay them for their land for quite sometime, causing the government to clash with villagers they forced to leave, to make way for the school Madonna lied to them about building. However, when the government pressed the issue with her, she gave them far less money than the land is worth.

Madonna has done them so much harm with her lies and thievery. She is not sorry for what she has done to the country of Malawi, flinging herself around America and London, making luxury purchases and grinning for the paparazzi she tips off for publicity. She belongs in prison.


Malawi court dismisses legal action by Madonna

(AFP) – Aug 16, 2011 - BLANTYRE — A Malawi court on Tuesday dismissed a legal action by US pop diva Madonna to prevent her charity project from being sued by former employees for unfair dismissal and non-payment of benefits. "It would be premature to remove (Raising Malawi Inc) RMI from the case because several issues of employee-employer relationship, economic realities and group liability have been raised," according to a ruling by Jack Nriva, deputy chairperson of the industrial relations court.

Nriva said it would be "premature and hasty to bar the applicants from suing RMI. In all fairness, I believe the application to remove RMI as party herein ought to be, and is hereby dismissed." He said it would be less prejudicial to RMI if it remains as party to the proceedings. Eight staff members of Raising Malawi Academy for Girls (RMAG) lodged the action at the end of March, claiming they were let go without proper procedures...



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