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Saturday, August 20, 2011

President Obama Criticized By Democrats And Republicans For Taking Vacation During Economic Crisis

U.S. President, Barack Obama, is being criticized by both Democrats and Republicans, for going on a 10-day vacation to the luxury enclave of Martha's Vineyard. It is one of many breaks he has taken this year. Politicians are lining up to slam the move.

Barack Obama (stress is prematurely aging the President, as the First Lady is wrinkle free. Maybe he should borrow some of her moisturizer).

To add some levity to the bleak situation, the RNC has launched a website called www.obamagetaway.com which chides the president, via a series of humorous postcards about his ill-timed vacation. The funniest cards are about Vice President, Joe Biden and separately, former President Jimmy Carter. That website is so wrong (LOL).

The latest financial numbers and stats released on the U.S. economy are not pretty. Unemployment is up, the dollar is down setting record lows, more banks are closing and the stock market keeps tumbling in triple digit numbers.

Maybe Obama's time would be better spent in Washington, D.C. in the White House, working on the economy. It really wasn't a good time for a vacation, when so many people in America are suffering and can't afford one.


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