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Friday, July 8, 2011

New Negative Jobs Report Is Bad News For Obama

The Numbers Keep Getting Worse

Barack Obama

Proving his political policies are not working, the latest U.S. jobs reports indicates, the economy added jobs at a very slow pace, which has alarmed government officials in Washington. As many polls have revealed, the economy ranks as the top concern of most Americans. The latest weak economic data coming out of the nation's capitol, is throwing a serious monkey wrench in President Obama's reelection plans, as the economy refuses to stabilize, due to the dangerous and unwieldy spending he continues to engage in.

Congress, on both sides of the aisles, has a responsibility to tell the President no, regarding his substantial spending initiatives. It can't continue like this. Someone needs to press the brakes on all this mad spending that makes no fiscal sense whatsoever. It's time to be sensible about this.

It's time to stop spending so much taxpayer money

When one watches news reports on the subject, the Democrats and Republicans, are fighting and telling everyone within earshot they are doing the right thing and the other party is not. However, what message does each side think it sends the nation, when they cannot even agree on a middle ground, to strike a simple compromise.

The Democrats in Congress are the biggest spenders, as they are liberals bordering on socialists, engaging in financial waste. The Republicans in Congress, are more prudent when it comes to money, but they need to stop holding out for no tax increases on the rich, also known as their friends, because the Treasury needs the money. There needs to be a temporary tax increase. Where else is the money going to come from, with businesses posting declines in revenue.


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Reactions to the Grim June Jobs Report: What Went Wrong

Jobs Report: Dismal News for the Economy, and the Obama Administration

GOP candidates slam Obama on jobs

Obama Responsible for Poor Jobs Picture: Bachmann

The economy is broken, and Washington can't fix it