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Saturday, July 9, 2011

Rupert Murdoch's News Corp In Trouble As More Employees Are Arrested For Hacking And Wiretapping Leading To The Closure Of News Of The World

Rupert Murdoch and his wife Wendi

This is a follow up, regarding the October 17, 2005, formal complaint I filed with the Metropolitan Police in London, England, against pop singer Madonna and News Group Newspapers, also known as News International, owned by Rupert Murdoch's News Corp (in a story I broke first). Six months later, in 2006, the Metropolitan Police arrested several people at News Group Newspapers for hacking and wiretapping, proving my claims correct. Murdoch finally admitted this misconduct three months ago on April 9, 2011 (Rupert Murdoch Finally Admits His Company's Phone Hacking And Wiretapping Crimes).

The case exploded again this week, as it was revealed, Murdoch and his newspapers have indeed been spying on children (not only adults), via wiretapping and hacking, just as the Judiciary Report stated THREE MONTHS AGO (Mr. Murdoch, Your Viagra Prescription Is Ready).

13-year-old Milly Dowler

This week, the Guardian and Telegraph newspapers in London, went into detail on the matter, via published items stating Murdoch's newspapers hacked and wiretapped deceased missing children, Milly Dowler, Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman, for scoops and exclusives to print, causing an uproar in Britain.

When the texts and emails on Dowler's mobile phone became too full, Murdoch's papers arrogantly, secretly and illegally, deleted older items to make room for more incoming messages, which misled her family and the police into thinking, she was simply a runaway, rather than an abductee.

Milly Dowler

During that time, the focus of the police's criminal investigation switched from the urgency of finding a kidnapped victim, to looking for leads on a runaway. Subsequently, during that time, the young girl who had been kidnapped, was murdered and her body thrown into the woods.

Her body was found several months after she went missing. News Corp's conduct is being labeled obstruction of justice and the Judiciary Report believes strong prison sentences are warranted for this insidious conduct that may have cost a young girl her life. News Corp has also been outed this week for depravedly hacking and wiretapping deceased victims of terrorist attacks and soldiers that died in the Middle East, for scoops and exclusives to print in their papers.

Rupert Murdoch and family

The tactics News Corp have been employing, were learned from Murdoch's daughter's friend, Madonna, whose private investigator, Anthony Pellicano, pioneered this nasty, invasive breed of spying. Pellicano utilized the same illegal hacking, wiretapping, stalking and burglary tactics, when he was an employee of the tabloid the National Enquirer and worked for stars such as Madonna, as revealed in his criminal trial a few years ago. Madonna befriended Murdoch's daughter Elisabeth and drew her into the Kabbalah cult, which is under criminal investigation in America.

Andy Coulson, the former editor of News of the World, was arrested this week and booted from his job as communications chief to Britain's new prime minister, David Cameron. It was also announced, the 168-year-old newspaper, News of the World, will be shutdown beginning today.

James Murdoch

Murdoch and company's madness has brought this storied paper crashing down. The Sun (UK), also owned by News Corp, is guilty of the aforementioned criminal misconduct as well. The police's criminal probe is also widening to other papers, as the Daily Star was raided yesterday.

News outlets announced this week, Rupert Murdoch's son James Murdoch, is in legal trouble over the scandal and could face criminal charges. Previously, the Judiciary Report slammed James Murdoch's nonchalant attitude towards criminal invasion of privacy, in trying to excuse the inexcusable being committed by News Corp, under his family's watch (Mr. Murdoch, Your Viagra Prescription Is Ready).

Murdoch and company are holding members of the public hostage, via criminally abusing technology to spy on people in terrible, deeply invasive ways that are abominable. Murdoch and his crooked little family believe they are better than others and have an illegal right to know what privately goes on in people's homes, on their phones, in their computers and email boxes. This must desist once and for all.

News Corp employee, Rebekah Brooks, is deeply involved in the crimes being committed, as are a number of other journalists in Britain, America and other nations

It is the Judiciary Report's belief, the Murdoch family need to be removed from News Corp, retaining their financial stake (for now) and replaced with law abiding people, for the sole sake of preserving 51,000 jobs, during a financial crisis, which represents the number of people they employ.

Another formal complaint I made regarding Madonna and News Group Newspapers YEARS AGO, is their chronic misconduct of hiring private investigators to not only illegally wiretap, hack and stalk people, but to stage break-ins to properties as well, to steal items (The FBI Corruptly Granted "Sovereign Immunity" In The Aisha v. FBI Case).

Years later, in June 2011, my allegations have been proven correct again, as it was revealed private investigators Glenn Mulcaire and Jonathan Rees, routinely broke into people's homes and offices, then stole items for rich clients, such as Madonna and News Corp. Rees is a Kabblah member, who was charged with the murder of a man using an axe. As stated in previous articles, Kabbalah members have a thing for using sharp weapons to kill people, indicative of schizophrenia (Another Kabbalah Cultist Kills Family Member).

I had no choice but to call the police when Madonna's private investigators repeatedly broke into my home and home office/studio, then stole CD-ROMS and DVD ROMs right off my desk, which contained valuable copies of my copyrights on them, that Madonna and her equally sick cronies later criminally utilized for financial gain.


The FBI was also informed of this misconduct from 2005, but have been too cowardly and corrupt to make the necessary arrests that are easily provable, due to bribe taking. Coincidentally, Metropolitan Police officers are now under investigation for taking bribes from Murdoch and co, to cover up his reckless criminal conduct. Parliamentary hearings have begun on the matter.

Madonna has a 25-year history of criminally stealing copyrighted material, removing the real writers' names from it and illegally re-registering it with the Copyright Office as her own. I wrote a stern letter to the U.S. Copyright Office the other day, asking in writing, why they continually allow Madonna and co., to commit these egregious financial crimes, via them making duplicate registrations of preexisting copyrights belonging to others.

The Copyright Office knows what Madonna and those in her circle like News Corp are up to, as members of the public have paid excessive copyright fees to register their original creations/content, then comes that loser Madonna (and her cronies) months and years later, stealing then re-registering other people's already copyrighted items in their names, in conduct that is completely criminal under domestic and international law.

I received no response to the letter (which was a response to one the Copyright Office wrote to me) but the head of the Copyright Office did resign shortly after. However, this matter will be revisited and in a very public forum with legal consequences. It's because of things like this why the U.S. economy can't recover - too much corruption in government - allowing lazy degenerates that won't work to rip-off hardworking people.

Rupert Murdoch

It is the Judiciary Report's view, James, Lachlan, Elisabeth and Rupert Murdoch need to be incarcerated for criminal invasion of privacy, hacking, wiretapping, computer abuse, computer intrusion, fraud, theft, obstruction of justice and racketeering, among other things. This family keeps bribing its way out of trouble, only to turn around and do something heinously worse to members of the public. Enough!

I know for a fact Murdoch and his family are deeply involved in the criminal invasion of privacy, utilizing the contents of the commissioned illegal surveillance of many, for their own personal and financial gain. I have documents to prove it and others are in possession of comparable data illustrating the same as well.

Why couldn't the Murdoch family satisfy with being wealthy, with comfortable homes, cars and more money than they could spend in a lifetime - rather than turning to this perversion in prying into the lives of others on such a sick level, which is voyeurism - a psychiatry defined mental illness. At the end of the day, the public should not be getting its news from crazy people.


The FBI Corruptly Granted "Sovereign Immunity" In The Aisha v. FBI Case

Rupert Murdoch Hypocritically Launches Whistleblower Site

Rupert Murdoch Finally Admits His Company's Phone Hacking And Wiretapping Crimes

Madonna's Connection To Phone Hacking And Wiretapping Scandal

The FBI Corruptly Granted "Sovereign Immunity" In The Aisha v. FBI Case

Rupert Murdoch Compromised National Security With Illegal Phone Hacking And Wiretapping

iPhone Tracking Scandal Gives Insight To Rupert Murdoch Phone Hacking And Wiretapping

Rupert Murdoch Has Proven He Cannot Be Trusted

Another Rupert Murdoch Journalist Arrested For Wiretapping And Hacking

Has Rupert Murdoch Ever Spied On A World Government For Another

Report: Rupert Murdoch Blackmailed The British Prime Minister

Mr. Murdoch, Your Viagra Prescription Is Ready

London Mayor Urges Newspapers To Come Forward In Phone Hacking And Wiretapping Scandal

Phone Hacking And Wiretapping Scandal Runs Way Deeper Than They Are Admitting

Newsweek Outs Madonna As The Criminal Behind Kabbalah

Confirmed: Kabbalah Is Under Criminal Investigation

Report: Kabbalah Cult Under Grand Jury Investigation


The untold story of hacking: burglary, fraud and computer viruses

Thursday, 9 June 2011 - Demands were made in Parliament yesterday for the police investigation into illegal information-gathering at the News of the World to be widened as MPs heard claims that senior political and public figures were targeted by a notorious private investigator working for Rupert Murdoch’s News International...

Jonathan Rees, 56, whose shadowy detective agency earned £150,000 a year from the News of the World, was previously believed to have targeted celebrities using illicit surveillance techniques, which allegedly included burglary, computer hacking and false representation...


Phone-hacking scandal: Jonathan Rees obtained information using dark arts

Freemason set up network of corrupt police, customs officials, taxmen and bank staff to gain valuable information

Wednesday 8 June 2011 20.56 BST - Years ago, Jonathan Rees became a freemason. According to journalists and investigators who worked with him, he then exploited his link with the lodges to meet masonic police officers who illegally sold him information which he peddled to Fleet Street.

As one of Britain's most prolific merchants of secrets, Rees expanded his network of sources by recruiting as his business partner Sid Fillery, a detective sergeant from the Metropolitan Police. Fillery added more officers to their network. Rees also boasted of recruiting corrupt Customs officers, a corrupt VAT inspector and two corrupt bank employees.

Other police contacts are said to have been blackmailed into providing confidential information. One of Rees's former associates claims that Rees had compromising photographs of serving officers, including one who was caught in a drunken state with a couple of prostitutes and with a toilet seat around his neck.

It is this network of corruption which lies at the heart of yesterday's claim in the House of Commons by Labour MP Tom Watson that Rees was targeting politicians, members of the royal family and even terrorist informers on behalf of Rupert Murdoch's News International. The Guardian's own inquiries suggest that Watson knows what he is talking about...

An investigator who worked for Rees claims he was also occasionally commissioning burglaries of public figures to steal material for newspapers. Southern Investigations has previously been implicated in handling paperwork that was stolen by a professional burglar from the safe of Paddy Ashdown's lawyer, when Ashdown was leader of the Liberal Democrats. The paperwork, which was eventually obtained by the News of the World, recorded Ashdown discussing his fears that newspapers might expose an affair with his secretary.

Computer hacking

The successful hacking of a computer belonging to the former British intelligence officer Ian Hurst was achieved in July 2006 by sending Hurst an email containing a Trojan programme which copied Hurst's emails and relayed them back to the hacker...

There would be further security concern if evidence finally confirms strong claims by those close to Rees that he claimed to have targeted the then Metropolitan Police Commissioner, Sir John [now Lord] Stevens, who would have had regular access to highly sensitive intelligence. Sir John's successor, Sir Ian Blair, is believed to have been targeted by the News of the World's full-time investigator, Glenn Mulcaire ...

This lucrative career was crudely interrupted in September 1999 when Rees was arrested and then jailed for plotting to plant cocaine on a woman so that her ex-husband would get custody of her children...



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Murdoch empire in crisis

Milly phone hacking a deplorable act

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