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Saturday, August 13, 2011

Is $14.5 Trillion Not Enough Money

UPDATE: The line "Any government in the world should be able to make due on $14.5 trillion dollars in income per year" should have stated "Any government in the world should be able to make due on $14.5 trillion dollars in income per year (their cut thereof)" and has been fixed.

Why Can't Washington Make It Work

Barack Obama

The GDP of the United States of America is approximately $14.5 trillion dollars, which is a significant sum of money. Yet, Washington felt the necessity to raise the debt ceiling, to negative results, claiming they could not make due on that amount. They claimed it would leave vital national bills unpaid, if they did not increase the current threshold of debt.

The Judiciary Report finds those claims quite dubious. Any government in the world should be able to make due on $14.5 trillion dollars in income per year (their cut thereof). Excessive spending and financially wasteful expenditures is the problem. A lot of money is coming into the national coffers, which could address the nation's financial problems, but a large portion of that figure is being diverted to the wrong things.

First off, if the government eliminated the three unjustifiable wars it has running, many innocent lives would be saved, as well as trillions of dollars, which could be constructively used in America. Further budget cuts at the CIA, FBI and NSA, would prove very beneficial as well, due to the agencies' role in government, usually entailing starting trouble of some sort against innocent Americans or international citizens in the world, in violation of the U.S. Constitution.

U.S. House Speaker John Boehner and President Barack Obama

As the Judiciary Report sees it, 14,000,000 people should not be out of work and suffering, factories shutting, businesses going under, homes being lost to foreclosure, people wanting to go to university, but can't afford to, all so some can keep unjust tax breaks, illegal wars and unlawful surveillance running. A choice needs to be made now, regarding budget cuts and taxation on the rich, to turn the economy around or things will continue to deteriorate.

The other option is to do nothing and circumstances will make the choices for you, as in the nation completely running out of financial options and having to close a number of agencies (CIA, FBI, NSA) and initiatives, as the money simply isn't there to keep it running, with borrowing options extremely narrowing.

The government is playing a dangerous game in Washington, D.C. and it is one they are going to lose, if they remain on the current path they treacherously tread.


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