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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Politicians Take Obama To Task Over Granting Sony Access To National Secrets

Sony Making Film On Osama Bin Laden Assassination To Act As A Commercial For Obama's 2012 Presidential Campaign

President Barack Obama

Once again, President Obama's rock star styled presidency, has landed him in controversy. Sony Pictures, an off-shoot of the Japanese electronics company, announced they are making a film on the reported assassination of notorious terrorist, Osama Bin Laden. The U.S. Military's elite Seal Team Six, are credited with killing the September 11th mastermind, via a surprise night raid in Pakistan that occurred this year.

Reports began to circulate last week, stating President Obama granted Sony access to national security files regarding the Bin Laden assassination, in aiding them to make the film, which will be released as an election tool, with the intent that it boosts support for Obama, who is suffering at the polls (see: propaganda film).

Sony's Howard Stringer

Obama denies the allegations, but various politicians and pundits state it is true. It was to be expected that a film company would seek to make a movie on the subject. However, turning it into a propaganda film to help a president experiencing plummeting polls numbers, will not do the movie and the seriousness thereof, any justice.

The most horrible twist in the Bin Laden assassination, is the revenge killing of members of the Seal Team Six, who were shot down this month, as their Chinook helicopter traveled over Afghanistan. Brave young men died, in what is a tragic waste of life, over a war they never asked for, but served their country regarding, nonetheless. This story should not be used as a political tool to play on the public's sympathies. What happened to honoring the dead (soldiers).

Congresswoman Lynn Jenkins

Republican congressional representative, Lynn Jenkins, is introducing a bill in Congress to bar the Obama Administration from granting Sony access to sensitive national secrets on the Bin Laden killing. Another Republican congressional representative, Peter King, has publicly called for an investigation into Obama's interaction with campaign donor and fundraiser Sony, during this incident.

As stated previously on the Judiciary Report, Obama's corrupt relationship with Sony and others in Hollywood, has damaged his presidency and standing with the populace. On its current path, it is going to cost him the election.


GOP lawmaker's bill targets government help for bin Laden film

By Pete Kasperowicz - 08/15/11 09:06 AM ET - A Republican lawmaker from Kansas wants to prevent the administration from helping Sony make a movie about the killing of Osama bin Laden. The Stop Subsidizing Hollywood Act introduced by Rep. Lynn Jenkins (R-Kan.) would stop the Obama administration from spending taxpayer money to share information about the killing of bin Laden with Sony Pictures, which is looking to release a film about that event in October 2012.

Jenkins said the bill, introduced on Friday, is necessary because the government has no role to play in helping the movie industry at a time of fiscal crisis. "In an era of 9 percent unemployment, trillion-dollar deficits, credit downgrades, and record debt-ceiling extensions it is unconscionable that taxpayer dollars are being used to aid the Hollywood film industry in fact-checking and script research," Jenkins said. "American families have been forced to go through their budgets line by line and look for ways to tighten their belts, and it is time the federal government does the same."...


Sony Hosted Obama Fundraiser, Releasing Bin Laden Movie Before Election

5:23 PM, Aug 10, 2011 - There may be an overtly political reason that moviegoers will be seeing the story of the Osama bin Laden raid just before they vote for president. Sony Pictures, the company distributing next year's film, hosted a fundraiser for Barack Obama on their studio's premises in California last April. So far, Sony is the only major studio to hold a political fundraiser this cycle. According to Deadline Hollywood, Sony will release the bin Laden movie, directed by Academy Award-winning director Kathryn Bigelow, on October 12, 2012--less than a month before the presidential election.

"The eyebrow does go up when you see the release date," says Douglas Urbanski, a Hollywood producer and conservative radio talk show host. Urbanski said he believes Bigelow's movie will be straightforward and apolitical, much like her 2009 war film The Hurt Locker (which won the Academy Award for Best Picture). But Sony's decision to release the bin Laden movie just weeks before the election, he says, is most likely "very, very deliberate."...
