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Saturday, August 27, 2011

George Bush's Brother Gives Politicians Pointers On How To Win Florida In The 2012 Election

Jeb Bush

Former Florida governor, Jeb Bush, decided to give tips on how to win the state in the 2011 election. By what? Dumping ballot boxes in the Everglades, as his brother had done in 2000, with the Supreme Court, under Justice Scalia, handing him the election. The Bush family are a massive liability to the Republican party and need to stay away.

George W. Bush

Politicians need sound advice about Florida and every other state. People can't pay their bills, as they have lost their jobs or are facing reduced hours. People want to own their own homes and not be gouged by banks. People want affordable food. Currently, food costs are too high, forcing many to pick cheap brands that are not always healthy. People want to be able to send their children to university and many can't because of lack of scholarships and rising tuition fees.

As bad as Bush was, Barack Obama should be sweating, as polls indicate he is in trouble as well

People want affordable insurance of all kinds, so they don't have to worry if they get sick or their home is hit by a natural disaster. Immigrants want to be given a chance to be lawful, productive citizens that contribute to the economy, not take away from it, as some wrongly assume. People don't want canned answers and phony campaign promises, but real solutions that will be implemented.


Jeb Bush on how to win Florida‎


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