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Friday, August 19, 2011

Rupert Murdoch And News Corp Unmasked As Liars In The Latest Phone Hacking Arrests

Two more employees of Rupert Murdoch's News International/News Corp, have been arrested by the Metropolitan Police in London, England on charges of phone hacking. Over a dozen employees have been arrested for illegally intercepting phone calls of celebrities, politicians and murdered school children, then publishing it in their papers and broadcasting it on their networks, for undue financial gain.

Former News International/News Corp employee, Clive Goodman, who was originally arrested in 2006, after my 2005 complaint to the police, was among the first legal casualties in the scandal. Goodman is now the source of a very incriminating letter the British Parliament released to the public this week.

Rupert Murdoch

The letter reveals widespread use of illegal phone hacking at News International/News Corp. It also details the claim that Goodman was promised he could keep his job, even whilst incarcerated for months, if he did not snitch on other people at the company, engaging in criminal wiretapping, among other things. Goodman was fired anyway and sued for wrongful dismissal.

Murdoch's lawyers are also distancing themselves from him, publicly stating the infamous family lied in Parliament, regarding phone hacking. The famous London entertainment law firm, Harbottle & Lewis, who represented Murdoch and News International in a number of matters, is now giving Parliament tips on the exact questions to ask, in order to unmask the criminal activity transpiring at the company.

James Murdoch and Rupert Murdoch

Parliament has also been pointed in the direction of another London law firm Murdoch's News Corp retained, Burton & Copeland. High profile lawyers and analysts have been publicly warning law firms not to assist Murdoch and company in a cover-up, as the legal consequences to their reputations and freedom could be quite great.

There exists irrefutable evidence the Murdochs and News International/News Corp, did exactly what they are accused of, in the way of lawbreaking and it is only a matter of time before it all becomes public knowledge.

Elisabeth Murdoch, pictured with her brother, James, was rebuffed by News Corp's shareholders, opposing her move to join the board, as well as their purchase of her overvalued company Shine, netting her $210,000,000 thanks to Daddy Dearest

It is being stated in mainstream press articles, Burton & Copeland, are sitting on very incriminating evidence against Murdoch and company. They are not the only ones. The Murdoch family has refused to waive "attorney client privilege" to allow the aforementioned law firms to speak candidly and divulge evidence to Parliament.

Clive Goodman

This audacious lack of forthrightness, along with recently published news the company ordered its internet hosting provider in India to delete thousands of emails (incriminating), sends a message of overwhelming guilt to the public, regarding the Murdochs and News International/News Corp.

What have they got to hide, you know, other than illegal wiretapping, hacking and aggravated stalking. The Murdochs are not business people. They've shown themselves to be a family of out right criminals. Such individuals do not belong in the corporate world, as they are a menace to society.


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