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Monday, August 15, 2011

Polls Currently Reveal Obama Will Not Be Reelected

Let's Look At The Reasons Why This Is Happening

Barack Obama

Based on published reports this week, U.S. President Barack Obama's poll numbers, have dropped to an all time low, exposing the fact the American people are not happy with his time in office. This coupled with numbers from polls concerning Americans' views on the upcoming election reveal, Obama is firmly on his way to becoming a one term president.

Articles published this week in mainstream newspapers and on the blogs, are comparing his presidency to that of Jimmy Carter, while others retain an even more unfavorable view, stating his has become the most unsuccessful in U.S. history.

The past two-and-a-half years of Obama's presidency have been consumed by excessive spending and a tremendous attention to PR, rather than deficit reduction, budget cuts and job creation. This does not a successful presidency make, as it led to unprecedented economic lows and an S&P downgrade of an historic nature.

Journalists and bloggers have also complained of Obama using his authority in the White House to punish outspoken critics, which was unwise of him, as this translated into even more bad press and reduced public support.

Publicly getting into a war of words with journalists and bloggers, as seen with the Boston Herald and numerous writers in the blogosphere, who later publicly complained, did him no favors with voters. This lack of restraint by the Obama Administration in attacking outspoken critics, cost him much in the way of support from newspaper and blogosphere readers, which equates to many millions of people.

The correlation became apparent to anyone following newspaper sites and the blogosphere, that each time the Obama Administration made a move against outspoken critics, exercising their right to free press and free speech, they in turn wrote extensive exposés on him, causing his poll numbers to take big nosedives.

But somehow the White House did not and has not, made the obvious connection and continues to persecute its outspoken critics in conduct that is undemocratic and unconstitutional. It also betrays a great lack of self-control, to risk one's presidency in retaliating against outspoken critics.

It has all the ingredients for disaster, as the polls have confirmed once again. The public does not want to see such conduct from any administration, as it goes against America's core values, such as free speech and free press.

With Republican candidates gaining in the polls, it really was not a wise time for the President to become so fixated with what journalists and bloggers wrote, rather than paying attention to the economy and job creation. 14,000,000 Americans are unemployed and suffering. This should be the President's main focus - not having his cabinet getting even with critics, as has been shown in well documented and publicized cases.

You have lost control of your presidency and it is evident you are not thinking clearly. You can't win against the internet. If you attempt to shut it down to silence your critics, you will be labeled an undemocratic dictator damaging democracy.

New announcements have been made by the Post Office, a number of banks and airlines, among others, that they are collectively going to shed hundreds of thousands of jobs, which could well add up to upwards of an additional 1,000,000 people being unemployed in the near future.

It is time for Obama to focus on the task at hand, the economy, as his presidency is slipping away from him, in the pursuit of PR and programs that have damaged the economy, due to their hefty price tags, underwritten by taxpayers.

In the final analysis, history will not as its main focus, rhetorically ask of the president, "Did he get even with his outspoken critics while in office." The question history will ask and answer is, "Did he save the U.S. economy." Right now, the answer to that question would be a resounding "No." President Obama has very little time left before the 2012 election to try to change that and has no time to waste, focusing his energies on what journalists and bloggers lawfully write. Ironically, his administration does not see it that way.

If you spend your time engaging in negativity it will plague your endeavors. If you concentrate on doing what is honorable, just and right, success will follow you. It's that simple. Think about that next time you think about persecuting critics for exercising their right to free speech and free press, rather than constructively finding ways to create jobs, as it is clearly affecting your position with the populace and in turn, your poll numbers. Cause and effect.


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