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Saturday, August 13, 2011

Is Obama In Over His Head

President Admits He Is Frustrated And Stressed

Barack Obama

President Barack Obama took office in the White House, promising America "change." Over two and a half years later, America has changed, but regrettably for the worse and it is stressing Obama out. This week, President Obama admitted he is stressed. Obama, like his predecessor, George W. Bush Jr., became like other politicians, who were pulled in all directions by special interests and lobbyists in Washington, then failed to settle on decisive and efficient action in moving the country forward. This stagnation has come at a high price.

In trying to be all things to all people, decisions were made that did not work out for the best. In ignoring sound advice, Bush misrepresented then started two wars, spent America into bankruptcy and gave lavish tax breaks to the rich, of all people, which occurred at the expense of the poor and middle class.

George W. Bush

Barack Obama later assumed office, starting off in one direction, then making an abrupt turn in favor of Corporate America over the common man, which was an ill-advised decision. Obama also started a war of his own in Libya, while reneging on campaign promises to end the widespread military action in Iraq and Afghanistan, deceitfully initiated by his bloodthirsty and oil hungry predecessor. During his time in office, even George Bush Sr., knew better than to push the war machine too far, as it could breed disastrous consequences. Too bad it was a lesson his son didn't learn.

This month, the nation was saddened by news from Afghanistan, regarding the deaths of soldiers apart of the Seal Team Six, who are credited with assassinating terrorist, Osama Bin Laden. The soldiers were young, some 21-years-old and cut down in the prime of their lives, over a war they did not start. It was a tremendous waste of life, illustrating the point that these fruitless wars must end. The U.S. government needs to focus on the homeland. The idea of bringing the fight to the terrorists, was an ill-fated one. It is better to defend the nation's borders from the mainland.


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