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Thursday, August 11, 2011

Report: Democrats Do Not Think Obama Will Be Reelected

Will The Democrats Dump Obama

Barack Obama

An article published in the Telegraph newspaper indicates, members of U.S. President Barack Obama's Democratic Party, do not think he will be reelected to the White House in 2012. Polls consistently reveal, the public has continued to withdraw their support from Obama.

This is largely due to the ongoing deterioration of the U.S. economy that President Obama has been unable to correct. This leaves the question, who do they have to run against Obama, as a number of Democrats are suffering from image problems as well, having championed and voted for many of his unsuccessful and unpopular measures. They have a lot to think about, because either decision could result in a loss.

President Obama's presidency has been a lesson in politics, affirming past cases. Never take public support for granted with risky spending measures, because when they collapse, so will your poll numbers. In politics, never strictly adhere to the flash credo, "You have to spend money to make money" because if one spends on the wrong things, budget and debt problems will occur or worsen. Never put the needs of the rich ahead of the middle class and the poor, as it is unethical and the latter are usually the majority (do the math, regarding what that means at the polls come election time).


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