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Friday, August 5, 2011

Sean Kingston Nearly Died Twice

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Kingston joked in interview that friend and singer Justin Bieber is too short to see over the dashboard of his Rolls Royce, when they drove down Ocean Drive in Miami (Justin Bieber And Sean Kingston Swarmed On South Beach)

Reggae singer, Sean Kingston, who lives in Miami, nearly died twice when his jet ski collided with a bridge near Palm Island. He was rushed to Jackson Memorial Hospital with a collapsed lung, due to water inhalation, a broken wrist, broken ribs and head trauma. Kingston had miscalculated, when attempting to go under a bridge, not realizing the tide had risen. He says he slammed on the brake of the jet ski and was thrown from the watercraft, slamming into the bridge.

Days later, as he was being discharged from the hospital, Kingston felt a stabbing pain in his chest. Little did he know, he was suffering from the same injury that killed Princess Diana, a torn aorta, caused by colliding with a solid object, at an advanced speed. He was rushed into the operating room to address the rupture and remove the fluid from around his heart, when he flat lined. Doctors were successfully able to bring him back. Kingston is now on the mend.

Sean Kingston credits God's mercy for his survival

I have a question. Did Jackson Hospital scan Kingston's chest upon arrival to the hospital. Someone comes in suffering from serious injuries sustained from crashing into a bridge, hitting their head and upper body on solid concrete pillars - yet a critical organ like the heart was overlooked. Why?

The aorta most likely ripped during the accident, meaning he was slowly bleeding for a while. What if the severe chest pains had struck after Kingston left the hospital and was at home in bed. He could have died from the internal bleeding.

Justin Bieber

I write this because there is a problem at Jackson and their policies need to change. When I went in with a brain hemorrhage (brain bleed), told them what I strongly suspected had occurred, an aneurysm, the emergency room kept insisting it was just a "migraine." Therefore, I was told to wait to see the doctor...for nearly 8 hours (and in pain).

Then, when I finally saw the first doctor, she began patronizing my mother and I, saying it couldn't be a hemorrhage because, "You can walk and talk." Due to my complaint, she said she was "obligated" to give me a "scan" - and it confirmed my brain was bleeding. For the sake of their patients, Jackson needs to change its protocols.


Justin Bieber And Sean Kingston Swarmed On South Beach